21-year-old SHS final year student takes own life

Mortician covering dead body in morgue

A final year Senior High School (SHS) student has allegedly committed suicide at Abura, a suburb of Cape Coast Metro in the Central Region.

Muhammad Kojo Musa, a 21-year-old, is said to be a student of St. Mary’s Boys’ School at Apowa in the Western Region who was home for vacation.

Narrating the incident, father of the deceased, Kobin Antobam, said he last saw his son the night before when he entered his room and shut his door.

Mr Antobam said several calls were made to his son, but he failed to answer and hence was left alone.

However, the next day when he was not seen nor heard from, despite his fan being on, Mr Antobam said he, together with some of his children, broke the lock only to find him hanging by the window.

He allegedly committed suicide with a belt and a wooden chair.

The body has been conveyed to the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital morgue for preservation, awaiting autopsy to aid investigations.

Source: Ghana Guardian