50 Cent voices “apology” after Taraji called him “embarrassing”


50 Cent has spoken out after Taraji P. Henson clapped back at him for dissing her TV show “Empire”. Taraji called him out for tearing down another black show when there were a whole lot of other shows out there for him to choose to criticize. In response, the rapper apologized. Or did he?

“This is my sincere apology I did not mean to hurt your feelings in anyway. I love your work and I think you are amazing,” he began his post on Instagram. When people thought it was nice of him to reach out to Taraji, a plot twist was revealed in his next sentence, “I’m sorry no one is watching your show anymore.”

As it’s clear that he’s being sarcastic, he continued, “I realize I have to work on the fact that I have less empathy then others. I have met with the top executives at Fox and sold them (The Notorious Cop) it’s the show that is replacing yours, but I really want to work with you.”

“I mean your awesome we would work well together but if you don’t like the idea I understand. if you don’t roll with me, your gonna get rolled the f**k over,” he ended his note with an expletive.

He also posted a picture of Taraji with Jussie Smollett who was ousted from the show due to his controversial legal woes. “I didn’t destroy your show it destroyed itself. i hope you accept my sincere apology, forever your fan and friend Fofty. ps I’m looking forward to working with you, or watching you watch me work,” he mocked.

50 Cent further taunted Taraji by claiming that T.I. whom she sat down with to vent her frustrations was actually involved in the new show that’s going to replace “Empire” on Fox. “He is already signed on to the show FOX is replacing them with. TIP You grimey man,” he laughed.

50 Cent’s aversion to the Lee Daniels hip-hop drama series dated way back in 2014 when he first accused the show of copying the marketing of his Starz show “Power“. Taraji responded back then, “50 Cent is a comedian. He loves to push buttons.” She additionally joked, “I pay attention to $’s NOT cents?”

As the rivalry continued, Jussie Smollett jumped in Taraji’s defense. The actor told the rapper, “You’re in your 40’s brother. It’s time to leave all the childish, pettiness behind. Do it for the people. Do it for the community.”