6 ways to stay sane during pandemic lockdown


With all the uncertainty in the world currently, due to the Coronavirus it’s easy to loose oneself. Days begin merging , hours also speed by. You fall asleep on Sunday and wake up on Wednesday. During this period where a new normal is being created , it’s important to check in with yourself and do things for yourself .

Quarantine means that a lot of places that you may have turned to for motivation or joy are now closed down temporarily. Lockdown means you may not have been able to see family or friends. Don’t worry , you’re not alone .
Here are some things you can do to stay motivated , healthy and happy while in lockdown.

Get some Air.

It may sound so simple and self explanatory, but it is easy to forget. Although there is a lockdown in some countries -not all- , you can still get some air. Take some time outside whether in your compound or garden. Let the sun glisten on your skin. Allow the breeze to take you away from all of this.

  1. Exercise!

I’m sure we’ve all heard it before but keep it moving , keep active! If you have the space , why not do a home workout ? Or maybe even go for a walk in your neighbourhood while sticking to social distancing measures

  1. Video/ Voice Call

Technology! What did we do without it? Thankfully , with the advancements of technology you are able to communicate with loved ones by pressing a few buttons. Apps like Zoom and House Party also allow the space to do this . Keep in contact with those close to you.

  1. Pray/ Meditate

In times of fear and panic turning to a higher power brings comfort to some. Take some time out and work on your faith. Take a moment to meditate and free your mind.

  1. Find a hobby! Learn a skill!

With all this time on our hands , finding something to keep yourself busy is a plus. Do you like sweet things? Learn how to bake. Enjoy the way advertisements look? Why not learn how they do it, and build an editing skill. There’s so many different avenues to take and one again with the help of technology, all with a click of a finger. Check out YouTube !

6.Take a Media and Technology break

It’s easy to want to keep up with the news and what is going on but it can sometimes be an overkill of information. Take a break from it all, relax your mind and while you’re at it put the technology down and enjoy some time with yourself.

You are not alone in this. We will get through it.