63-year-old farmer handed 10 years imprisonment for defiling a 7-year-old girl


A Cape Coast Circuit Court has sentenced 63-year-old farmer, Joseph Begyina to ten years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 7-year-old girl.

63-year-old farmer, Joseph Begyina

Esther Duodu, a class three pupil of Nyamebekyere D/C Basic School resides with her father, Yaw Duodo and family at Assin Bereku Nyamebekyere.

Prosecuting Chief Inspector Gilbert Adongo narrated to the court presided over by Her Ladyship Dorinda Smith-Arthur that the father of Esther is a cocoa farmer who sells local gin which Joseph Begyina (the convict) walks for a distance of about 500 meters to buy daily.

According to him, on Saturday, April 29, at about 03:00 hours Joseph Begyina went to buy local gin from Duodu and after he was served, Duodu asked Esther to take care of the drinks whilst he went to work on his farm.

After working for about 5 minutes, Duodu decided to come to the compound to pick something but did not see her daughter where he sells the drinks.

He then started calling her to ask why she left the drinks outside. Upon hearing her father’s voice, Esther came out of the room.

Prosecution added that during the questioning, her father saw Begyina also coming out of Esther’s room whiles zipping his shorts.

Duodu then became alarmed and raised Esther’s dress to see what had happened in the room and found out her daughter was without pants.

He questioned her and Esther told him what Begyina did to her, disclosing that he had slept with her on two occasions; in the room and twice in the cocoa farm.

Duodu upon the information went to complain to the police leading to the arrest of the convict.

Begyina in his caution statement admitted having sexual intercourse with Esther and pleaded guilty to the charge and was convicted on his plea by the court.

A medical form was issued for Esther’s examination and treatment and after careful investigation, Joseph Begyina was charged with the offense to stand trial.