About 12% of Ghanaians living with HIV/AIDS are between 15 and 24 years


Ghana AIDS Commission has alleged that about 12% of Ghanaian living with HIV/AIDS in Ghana are between the ages of 15 and 24, as at the end of 2020.

About 347,000 known HIV/AIDS cases fall within the age range mentioned.

Ghana recorded some 20,068 new infectious with 13,616 HIV/AIDS related deaths in 2019 alone.
About 5,613 people who made up 20% were aged between 15 and 24.

The share of infections covered by the age bracket is expected to rise in AIDS Commission’s soon-to-be release list.

Stigmatization and discrimination of people living with HIV are subjected to prosecution in Ghana.
In the 1992 constitution, a culprit can face up to 3 years imprisonment or 200 penalty units or both.
The Ghana AIDS Commission Act 938(2016) also gives provision for non discrimination as to mitigate the effect of the stigmatization.

Dr. Fred Nana Poku, the Director of Technical Service at the commission said, his outfit believe the steady rise in infection is down to declined in public awareness about what is going on in the country.