Agyapong cautions against NDC’s return to power, says protect your children’s future


Kennedy Agyapong, a businessman and MP for Assin Central, cautioned Ghanaians to consider the welfare of their children before voting for the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

He emphasized that the NDC has nothing to offer Ghanaians and should be kept out of governance.

Agyapong credited the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for implementing the free SHS policy, which has relieved parents of financial burdens and enabled children to access Senior High School education.

He warned that the NDC would not sustain this policy if elected, urging parents to prioritize their children’s future when voting.

Acknowledging the economic hardships in Ghana, Agyapong encouraged the audience to consider the long-term benefits of the free SHS policy, which has enabled numerous students to pursue university education.

He implored parents to reflect on their children’s future under NDC rule and make informed decisions at the polls.

Speaking to a crowd at Suame in the Ashanti Region, Agyapong emphasized the importance of prioritizing children’s education and future prospects over political affiliations.