Akufo-Addo and his appointees worse than ‘sakawa boys’ – Raymond Ablorh fumes


Communications and public relations expert Raymond Ablorh has lambasted President Akufo-Addo over the his outburst on the description of his appointees and himself as ‘Akyem Sakawa People’ over the Agyapa Mineral Royalties deal.

Mr. Ablorh is asking whether the appointees who masterminded the seal are not Akyems and whether the literal meaning of Arakawa is fraud.

To him, the outburst of the president is unnecessary.

He said if the former president John Dramani Mahama could be called incompetent then there is nothing wrong for the president and his appointees to be referred to as Akyem sakawa mafias.

“Tsoo! So, we could call John Mahama corrupt without problem but when we engage in fraud like Government claimed happened in the PDS case, the Akyem boys who supervised that unprecedented fraud in Government can’t be called sakawa boys?

These guys are worse than sakawa boys. In fact, but for hypocrisy, Nana Akufo-Addo and his Akyem mafia in Government would be condemned brutally across board for coming to power to do worse of what they condemned.”

Read his full statement below

Did John Mahama say Akyems are sakawa people or he referred to some Akyem boys as sakawa boys? Intellectuals, help me with English comprehension.

Are the sakawa boys who pulled the fraudulent PDS deal not Akyem boys? Or, is fraud not what we call sakawa?

Tsoo! So, we could call John Mahama corrupt without problem but when we engage in fraud like Government claimed happened in the PDS case, the Akyem boys who supervised that unprecedented fraud in Government can’t be called sakawa boys?

These guys are worse than sakawa boys. In fact, but for hypocrisy, Nana Akufo-Addo and his Akyem mafia in Government would be condemned brutally across board for coming to power to do worse of what they condemned.

In 2016, those who didn’t know that all politicians were the same when it came to corruption, what Elizabeth Ohene will call stealing, now know that all politicians are the same because their favourite thieves are in power.

If they knew all politicians were the same why did they accuse the previous administration of corruption and paid attention to the lies Nana Akufo-Addo and his people told them?

I’ll always judge administrations by their own words in opposition. If Ursula called JM a thief and she’s right, then, Akufo-Addo is worse than an armed robber. Because, we’ve seen the worst under him.

Or, is it more amazing for akomfem to fly than for an excavator to fly?

Was Ameri 2 not more scandalous than Ameri 1?

Have we seen an organised official fraud bigger than PDS before?

These people are worse of everything they condemned.

The call of the President is annoyingly funny. He and his Bishops should rather stop that indescipline Akyem Abuakwa chief; that retired soldier from formenting trouble in Ga land before it’s too late.

President Ablorh.

Source: rainbownradioonline