All Ghanaians abroad must come back and develop Ghana – Freedom Jacob Ceasar cries out


Ghanaian Real Estate guru Nana Kwame Bediako popular known as Freedom Jacob Ceasar has called on Ghanaians in the diaspora to come back and help build the nation with the numerous skills and ideas they have acquired on foreign land.

According to him, it is so sad to see Ghanaians abroad usually visit home purposely for Christmas and Esther Holidays and not invest in developing the nation.

Speaking at the Third Edition of the Ghanaian Dream: A moment with Freedom, he said, Africans can build their nations themselves without any external support when they come together as one continent.

” It saddens me to see Ghanaians abroad visiting their motherland only on holidays. I think the time has come for Ghanaians diaspora to come back and help our societies with their skills and ideas rather than utilizing it on foreign lands. We blacks can make Africa work as we see on foreign lands” he said.

Nana Kwame Bediako also took the opportunity to urge the government to invest in industrialization as the only tool to end the rate of unemployment in the country and also adding value to the citizens.

He said industrialization is everything and can help create jobs and also empower citizens to make money to create wealth hence, ensuring economic balance.

“In my Network of creating wealth, I have been to different races all over the world and one thing I have learned is that Africa is lacking is industrialization. Industrial power is everything and can help create jobs to enable citizens buys houses and cater for themselves always”, Nana Kwame Bediako said.

Freedom Jacob Ceasar added that in 2021, his aim is to serve the public by creating more employment, more platforms, build telecommunications platforms, technology hugs, petroleum cities, energy city and many others.