Anas dares Nyantakyi’s wife over extortion, blackmail claims


Undercover journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, has dared wife of embattled former President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), Kwesi Nyantakyi, to have him prosecuted and jailed if he indeed demanded and received $100,000 as bribe to stop the screening of Number 12.

Undercover journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas

Speaking publicly about the allegations at the Media Festival organized by The Press Foundation (TPF), he said it was the best opportunity for Mrs Christine-Marie Nyantakyi and her husband to get their pound of flesh wondering why they failed to act.

“Taking bribe is criminal. Assuming without admitting that it’s me, is that not the right time to jail me? Why are you not mentioning the name of the person who asked for the money and who returned it in tranches?” he asked.

He wants Mrs Christine-Marie Nyantakyi to credit Ghanaians with some intelligence and not go about making such claims when the security services have been mandated to deal with such acts.

“People in this country are very discerning. You mention my name and you are caught in bribe and giving bribe in order to conceal that act,” he observed.

According to him, such more claims will be thrown at him as he makes progress with his resolve of naming, shaming and jailing the bad guys in society.

It would be recalled that first wife of Kwesi Nyantakyi, Mrs Christine-Marie Nyantakyi, alleged that in the lead up to the premiere of Number12 an investigative documentary which has resulted in his lifetime ban from football, reports emerged that Anas Aremeyaw Anas and his Tiger Eye PI team were offered a $100,000 bribe to stop its screening.

She said her husband parted with $100,000 in a bid to stop the screening of the video but it yielded no results.

“Well, there’s information, and there’s truth in that information. Apparently, we became so desperate when we realized that all that they presented to us were false, so we tried to make some interventions, and they proposed that he pays some money.

They proposed $150,000; my husband couldn’t afford it, so he gave out $100,000 dollars, and they came back to him and said the person says you need to add $50,000, and he said well, I don’t have it; that’s all that I have.”

Below is the full statement from Anas:

Anas Aremeyaw

Statement from Anas
blackmail claims