Angry husband allegedly stabbed wife to death at Breman Asikuma


A 46-year-old man who is known as Kwame Kimi, alias ‘One Stone’, has allegedly stabbed his wife, Adiza Ibrahim, 39, to death.

According to the Central Police Relation Officer, Deputy Suprintendenet of Police Ms Irene Oppong said, the brother of the deceased accompanied by, Mariana Ayub Bawa, reported the case to the police at 5:30pm, last Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Recounting the incident, he said he was at home when one  Afrakoma, together with Fati and Adams, came to search for his sister, Adiza.

They informed Quainoo that they had received information that Kumi had killed his wife, Adiza.

According to reports, he stabbed her in the chest with a knife, locked her in the room and flee to Breman Asikuma in the Central Region. Residents of the town however, alerted the police that they had found Kimi unconscious by the road side.

After regaining consciousness at the Apam Government Hospital, he then confessed to the police that he had  committed a crime and had wanted to commit suicide by ingesting poisonous substance.

He is still on admission at the Apam Government Hospital under guard.

Quainoo informed the police that he destroyed his sister door and opened to found her dead in a pool of blood.