Anguished Gold Coast Fund customers to protest at Finance Ministry today


Aggrieved customers of the defunct Gold Coast Fund Management will picket at the premises of the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, to demand the disbursement of their locked-up funds.

The group says that GH¢8.6 billion approved by Parliament to settle their members is yet to get to its members.

The Securities and Exchange Commission revoked the company’s operating license in 2019 as part of the government’s financial sector clean-up.

Charles Nyame, convener of the aggrieved customers, lamented that over 800 of their members have died in the last five years due to the government’s refusal to pay their investments.

Mr. Nyame made the disclosure ahead of the group’s picket.

He said that the group would only leave the ministry’s premises once their locked-up funds are paid.

“It has been five years, and we have over 800 of our colleagues who were old people and are now dead. We have evidence of their obituaries. That is the reason why we are going to the Finance Ministry to picket for 48 hours non-stop. We demand that the Finance Ministry release monies to the commercial banks to credit our accounts before we will leave the place.”

“We are going to picket in front of the Finance Ministry. We will converge at the Obra Spot, and we will wait for all our members from other regions. Buses will pick us all up, and we will go to the Finance Ministry to picket for 48 hours.”

Mr. Nyame assured members of the group that the police have not opposed the planned picket and urged them to converge at the Obra Spot on Tuesday to be bused to the Ministry of Finance.

“In the letter we wrote to the police, we indicated that we were going to hold a 48-hour picket within the premises of the Finance Ministry. The police raised no issue to that effect, so we expect that we will hold our picket at the ministry’s premises.”