Asiedu Nketiah calls for transparency and fairness in 2024 elections


As the 2024 general elections approach, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has called on civil society organizations, traditional leaders, faith-based groups, and opinion leaders to join forces with the NDC in demanding a transparent and fair electoral process.

This, he emphasized, is crucial for peaceful elections and acceptance of the results.

Addressing the media at a press conference, Asiedu Nketiah stressed that transparency and fairness are essential prerequisites for peaceful elections.

He urged civil society groups to collaborate with the NDC in demanding a free and fair electoral process, warning that passivity would only embolden the Electoral Commission (EC) to perpetuate injustice.

The NDC chairman cautioned that his party would not be pressured into conceding defeat for the sake of peace if the EC is allowed to treat them unfairly.

“We will not be victims of peace,” he declared. “If we all desire peace, we must work towards it, starting with ensuring fairness. With fairness, everyone will be comfortable.”

As political parties prepare for the December 7, 2024, elections, the NDC chairman’s call to action emphasizes the critical role civil society plays in promoting electoral integrity and peaceful democratic processes.