Attorney General and Minister of justice has accused the speaker of Parliament of Politicking


Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has accused the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin of dabbling into politics.

According to him,the speaker was misled when he failed to announced the approval of Ministers nominated by President Akufo-Addo.

The Attorney General Speaking on Accra-based TV3 said, the matter must be resolved as soon as possible“So we must stop undue and unwarranted politicking, as simple as that.

When we stop the undue and unwarranted politicking, we will come to the conclusion that the action filed by Dafeamakpor is wholly unrelated to the approval processes of the ministers and deputy ministers in question.

“I mean, Dafeamakpor’s action, the substance and the effect of it is to challenge the president’s decision to reassign ministers who have been relieved of their previous portfolio.

“What relationship does he have with the processes for approval of freshly appointed ministers and deputy ministers who have duly been submitted to Parliament for approval?”