Australia and New Zealand terminates entry for non-residents


Australia and New Zealand will ban entry to all non-residents from Friday in a bid to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his nation’s order would come into effect from 21:00 on Friday (10:00 GMT).

New Zealand’s will begin earlier – at midnight local time (11.00 GMT Thursday).

The bans do not extend to citizens, permanent residents, or their families.

“We have been thinking to align arrangements across the Tasman Sea,” Mr Morrison told reporters on Thursday.

He added that national carrier Qantas would help with getting Australian residents home.

“We’re working hard to make sure we can keep some flights open so Australians can make their way back,” Mr Morrison said.

Australian has recorded more than 600 cases of coronavirus and six deaths, with a sharp rise in infections this week. New Zealand has seen 28 positive tests.