Ayawaso North Assembly launches campaign on coronavirus vaccination


The Ayawaso North Municipal Assembly, in collaboration with the Municipal Health Directorate, has launched its COVID-19 vaccination campaign to ensure residents are protected against the disease.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Mr Mohammed Aminu, to show leadership, received the first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

This was followed by Dr Sophia Quist, the Municipal Health Director, and some assembly members.

Mr Aminu, interacting with the media after he received the dose, said it was painless and he felt normal, urging all residents to have confidence in the vaccine as it was safe.

He said the exercise was of great significance to the Municipality because it was among the areas with the highest rate of infections.

Mr Aminu admonished the people and Ghanaians, in general, to have faith in the efficacy of the vaccine and avail themselves for the exercise.

He advised the public not to let their guards down till life was returned to normalcy.

He said the President, having set the pace by taking the first jab, was proof of leadership by example and that he was mindful of the good health of the Ghanaian.

Mr Aminu advised the public to continue to obey the protocols to reinforce their defence against the virus.

Dr Sophia Quist, on her part, said the vaccine would help break the transmission of the virus in the community.

She said in parts of the world where the vaccine had been taken, the infection rate had declined considerably.

She assured Ghanaians that the efficacy of the vaccine had been proven by the World Health Organisation and approved by the Food and Drugs Authority, hence there was no basis for anxiety.

“This is the only way to curb the pandemic,” she said.

Source: GNA