Bandits storm community, slaughtering villagers in Nigeria’s Kaduna State


According to media reports, about 19 people have been killed by bandits after the Kutemeshi Community in Birnin-Gwari, Kaduna State were attacked.

The incident is said to have occurred on Saturday evening. The operation which lasted for about two hours saw the bandits shooting sporadically at residents.

A resident of the community, who confirmed the attack, said only a few volunteer vigilantes responded to the emergency calls after the bandits had retreated to the bush.

He also said, during the time of the incident, several calls were made to security agencies but all proved abortive, leaving the people at the mercy of the bandits.

A survival, Bashir Lawal, who narrowly escaped death, said, “Early Sunday morning, 19 people were confirmed dead, while several others were injured and many people still missing. Those killed are set for burial.

“We called several times for security reinforcements, but only a handful of volunteer vigilantes came after the bandits had retreated to the bush around 7pm yesterday.

“In recent days, armed bandits had displaced thousands of people from different communities in various parts of Birnin-Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna State.” 

The state Commissioner, Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, confirmed the incident on Sunday. He listed the names of people killed as Malan Sani Barume, Yahaya Bello, Amadu Dan Korau, Samaila Niga, Jamilu Haruna, Lawal Majiya, Dan Malam Rabo, Dauda Kafinta, Hassan Mai Makani, Bashir Haruna, Lawal Ali, Mu’azu Haruna, Mai Unguwa Sa’adu and Harisu Bako. 

He also noted that those who escaped with varying injuries had been taken to a neighbouring state where they were receiving medical attention.

Aruwan speaking, “Some shops were also looted with valuable items carted away. Some of the injured (persons) have been moved to a neighbouring state closer to Kutemeshi for urgent medical attention, while others are in transit to an orthopaedic hospital in Kaduna.

“So far, only the 14 corpses have been recovered from Kutemeshi. The Kaduna State Government will provide updates on any emerging developments.”

This comes barely three days after six persons were burnt to death during a bandits’ induced auto crash in the Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of the state.