Bridge linking COCOBOD CEO and former NDC MP’s hometown crushes one to death


A bridge that links Wassa Afransie, the hometown of Cocobod CEO Hon Joseph Boahen Aidoo and former NDC MP for Wassa Amenfi East, Hon Oppong Fosu and adjourning communities has collapsed killing one person.

The bridge on the Mamie river links Wassa Akropong to communities like Wassa Afransie, Jukwaa, Abrokyire Krobo among others in the Wassa Amenfi East District in the Western Region.

The accident happened on Sunday morning as Mamut Tipper truck carrying boulders meant for the construction of a cocoa road project in the area was crossing the bridge at Mamieso.

An “okada” rider who was behind the tipper truck with two passengers got trapped under the bridge when the over 35-year-old bridge, constructed collapsed.

The three victims; George Appiah 42, Emmanuel Dovi 32 and Collins Kuma popularly known as Aloo 30, who suffered various degrees of injuries were rescued after about twenty minutes under the bridge.

They were all rushed to the Wassa Akropong Government Hospital for treatment but due to the critical nature of Collins Kuma’s condition, he was transferred to the Tarkwa Government Hospital but passed on upon reaching the hospital.

The road to Wassa Afransie, the hometown of Cocobod CEO, Hon Joseph Boahen Aidoo and for NDC MP Hon Oppong Fosu forms part of a 55.55km cocoa road from Adesu to Ankwaaso which is under construction.

The Cocobod CEO who visited the accident scene said the contractor on the road will create an alternative bridge to enhance the movement of passengers.

He expressed worry about the activities of illegal miners which is going to hamper the creation of an alternative bridge because the illegal miners had left huge puts uncovered along the river banks.

That notwithstanding, Hon Boahen Aidoo gave the assurance that the alternative bridge will be created to ensure free movement.

Meanwhile, the Wassa Amenfi East Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Helena Appiah has visited the bereaved family to commiserate with them.

While calling on the citizens to support the contractor in order to execute a good job, Hon Helena Appiah said the contractor will fix the alternative Bridge very soon to bring back life to the road.

Member of Parliament for Wassa Amenfi East Hon Nicholas Amankwaa also commended NADMO officials, the police and others for helping to rescue the victims.

He advised Okada riders to be extra careful when using the road.

Source: ghanaweb