Bryan Acheampong claims his appointment is important for the transformation of Agric sector


Bryan Acheampong, the Minister for Food and Agriculture, has described his appointment as timely, as he came in at a time when Ghana needed a vibrant minister to steer the agricultural sector to restore its glory days.

The Abetifi MP likened the timing of his appointment to Joseph, the Biblical character that restored Egypt and brought relief to the Israelites in the long run.

The Agriculture Minister said despite people expressing concern over the number of months left for the government to make an impact, what matters most is what is made out of the remaining months

“Joseph came in within a short time and brought change and so it is not about the time left, it is about what you do with the time left,” he said.

He added that he has the backing and blessings of the president in his drive to make Ghana a food-sufficient country in the next five years.

“The president was clear that we needed to push and wanted to see agric as a pillar to solve the food situation in the country and so there was a need for us to fix the different food prices and the amount of money spent on importing food into the country.

“This [my appointment] was a clear assignment that he gave me and said he would be involved in, and that is why when I was doing the stakeholder engagements, the president was there and when I launched the Planting for Food and Jobs Phase II, the president was there.”