Bulgaria: Prime Minister survives no-confidence vote


Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s government survived a no-confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday following street protests against endemic corruption.

Thousands of Bulgarians have taken part in rallies against Borissov’s centre-right government in the past two weeks, saying it has only been going through the motions in the fight against high-level corruption.

Some 124 lawmakers in the 240-seat parliament opposed the fifth no-confidence motion against the coalition government since it took office in 2017, and 102 lawmakers were in favour of the motion brought by the opposition Socialists.

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Borissov, 61, has said he will consider an overhaul of his government but has ruled out a snap election.

Borissov prides himself in repairing crumbling infrastructure and boosting incomes in the European Union’s poorest member state, but critics say he has done little to prove he is serious about uprooting high-level corruption.

The partners in the ruling coalition will meet in the coming days to discuss ways to address the biggest anti-government protests since 2013.