CETAG to meet National Labour Commission this week over ongoing strike


The National Labour Commission (NLC) will this week convene another meeting with the leadership of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) in an attempt to get them back to the classroom.

CETAG has been on strike demanding payment of outstanding allowances owed its members.

President of CETAG, Prince Obeng Heming says they will only return to work if the government meets their demands.

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“The National Labour Commission attempted to get us to be part of a meeting last week, they said they wanted to resolve the impasse. But there isn’t any issue to be resolved, and we didn’t need to be part of that process.

The NLC in its powers could go to the High Court to get superior orders to force the government if it felt the government wasn’t complying,” the President of CETAG said.

Students at some Colleges of Education both in the Ashanti Region and Greater Accra Region, last week expressed fears the current academic calendar could be affected if concerns by striking members of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association are not immediately resolved.