Coronavirus: Parliament sets to summon Health Minister over outbreak


The Parliament of Ghana will soon summon the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyemang Manu over the outbreak of Coronavirus.

The Minority leader of Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu has asked the House to summon the sector Minister over the outbreak.

In his call he wants the Minister to brief the House on the situation in the country and the state of preparedness.

Speaking on the floor of the House during the opening session on January 28, Haruna Iddrisu said, “Mr. Speaker maybe along the line it didn’t come to our attention, this World Health Organisation Coronavirus, we may want to in the course of session invite the Minister for Health to appraise us what he is doing to avoid its occurrence in our country and it getting into our country as an additional activity..”

Health Ministry to step up public education campaign through social media
The Ministry of Health said they will step up public education campaigns on the deadly coronavirus through the use of social media.

Ever since the disease broke in Wahun city of China, about 106 people have died and it is spreading to other parts of the world.

Africa has recorded two cases of suspected coronavirus with Cote D’Ivoire and Kenya being the two.

The Health Ministry said they have tightened surveillance at Ghana’s borders and now they will use social media as a campaign tool to educate Ghanaians on the virus.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has designated the Ridge Hospital and the Tema General Hospital as centres to manage possible cases of coronavirus in the country.

It said the move is part of Ghana’s plans to prevent and control any case that may be detected in the country and ultimately protect the Ghanaian population.

In a statement dated Monday, January 27, 2020, the Ministry said it has triggered the country’s emergency preparedness and response plan amidst the rising number of infections from the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in other countries of the world.