Court issues arrest of 14-year-old for stealing ¢99k in Accra


A Circuit Court in Accra has ordered the arrest of a 14-year-old pupil for allegedly stealing various currencies totalling GHC99,000 (cedi equivalent) from her adopted mother at Mantey Tsuru in Accra.

The Minor (name withheld) was absent in court when the matter was called hence a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. He is said to have absconded to his village after he was granted Police enquiry bail.

Police said the juvenile offender stated that he gave the monies to Michael Agroh, a 25-year-old cleaner to open a mobile money shop and also gave some of the money to his 11-year-old classmate.

His accomplice, Agroh, who was charged with dishonestly receiving has pleaded not guilty.

The court presided over by Mrs. Afia Owusuwaa Appiah has admitted Agroh to bail in the sum of GHC20, 000 with two sureties one to be justified.

Agroh is expected to reappear on July 30.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector William K. Boateng said the complainant Margaret Ampah, is a civil servant residing at Martey Tsuru in Accra with the Juvenile offender.

Chief Inspector Boateng said Agroh resides opposite the complainant’s house and works as a cleaner for the complainant’s husband.

Prosecution said the complainant kept the various sum of monies in her travelling bag in a closet.

He said on April 2, 2019, the complainant detected her travelling bag containing $7,500, 2,000 Euros, 1,500 Pounds sterling, 300,000 CFA, 10,000 Naira all totalling GHC99, 000 was missing from her travelling bag kept in the closet.

Prosecution said after confronting the juvenile offender, he admitted taking the monies from the travelling bag and stated that he had given the monies to Agroh to open mobile phone shop and part to his 11-year-old classmate who is a witness in the case.

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He said when Agroh was arrested he admitted in his cautioned statement receiving various foreign currency from the juvenile offender to wit: $412, 200 Euros, 250-pound sterling (GHC9, 025).

Chief Inspector Boateng said the Police retrieved GHC4,000 from Agr0h.

The Police further retrieved from the juvenile offender a wristwatch, mobile phone and small denomination of some foreign currencies.

Source: GNA