Daniel Ademinokan attempts marriage for the third time


US based Nollywood actor and producer Daniel Ademinokan is set to remarry again for the third time. This is coming after the news of the cause of his failed marriage and other spills by his ex wife hit major blogs across the country.

The Nigerian actor is set to remarry after three years of the end of his second marriage to popular Nigerian actress Stella Damasus.

The actor married his first wife Doris Simeon who is also an actress in 2008 after meeting her on a movie Location.

A few years later, Daniel and Doris parted ways and the couple had a son together named David who is also based in the united state with his father.

After the end of his marriage to Doris, the movie producer and actor married another of his colleague who was a widow and mother of two daughters in 2011.The marriage between Stella and Daniel caused a lot of controversies then with many insinuating she snatched Daniel from Doris.

However, the marriage between them has since packed up, and the marriage did not  produce any child.

Describing how she received the news of her divorce, she said, ” The man in question traveled; he was supposed to be away for a while and then come back.”

Stella claims she knew her marriage ended on social media. she went further to give an insight on how she came about the news.

“My phone was buzzing with notifications, and I started receiving phone calls from my friends who called to check on me after reports circulating claimed that my marriage had ended. Then I decided to check on YouTube. And even after that, I still didn’t know that something like that had happened until I got the final call that the marriage had ended.”

The two time divorcée has given marriage yet another shot.it was learnt that Daniel had gotten married to another lady in Huston, Texas.

In a trending video on social media, the actor was seen sharing a deep kiss with his beautiful bride after they were joined in a church in the united states.