Davido shows off his luxurious wedding watch worth $800,000


Davido, a renowned Afrobeats artist, has unveiled his extravagant wedding watch, valued at a staggering $800,000 (approximately N1.2 billion).

In a video, he showcased the luxurious timepiece, emphasizing its authenticity and boasting about its hefty price tag.

This revelation comes on the heels of his previous statement about his fiancée Chioma’s engagement ring, which he claimed is worth multiple Rolls Royce vehicles.

This extravagant display of wealth has sparked diverse reactions from fans, with some admiring his prosperity and others criticizing his ostentatious behavior.

While some netizens praised his wealth and success, others expressed disapproval, stating that his constant flaunting of expensive possessions is excessive and boastful.

One social media user expressed their disapproval, stating, “I dislike how he constantly flaunts the prices of his possessions. It’s excessive and boastful. He should humble himself and appreciate his blessings without publicly displaying them.”

Despite the mixed reactions, Davido remains unapologetic about his wealth and continues to showcase his luxurious lifestyle.