Distinguish us from the lawbreakers with tags – Okada riders to govt


As part of efforts to isolate themselves from other riders who break traffic regulations, the Commercial Motor Riders Association have called on government to provide them with tags.

National Public Relations Officer of the Association averred that because of the helmets and masks motor riders wear, they are not easily recognised when they cross red lights in traffic.

Solomon Akpanaba said the identification tag will help monitor the activities of their members.

In an interview with Adom FM’s Dwaso Nsem programme, Akpanaba said, “Crossing the red light is a petty offence but we always see motor riders do that and we don’t know whether they are our members or not because of the helmet and nose masks.”

“As I speak now, there are a lot of courier services. So we will plead with the government to help us with the tags so we can fish out the lawbreakers and deal with them,” he added.

The Association also appealed to all to attach a sense of dignity to their profession.

Source: Ghanaweb