Dr Clement Apaak tells Education Minister to stop the one-man show


The Deputy Ranking Member on the Education Committee of Parliament, Dr Clement Apaak, has advised Education Minister, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, to open himself up.

Dr Clement Apaak

According to the Builsa South MP, Dr Adutwum is always interested in putting up a one-man show, a posture he said does not augur well for the sector he heads.

Dr Apaak made this clarion call on Adom TV’s Badwam, stating consultation is very important, especially when the Minister is poised to transform Ghana’s education sector into a US system.

“Dr Yaw Adutwum is moving too fast and quickly in his quest to transform the Ghanaian sector into US without addressing the basic issues we don’t have the furniture and basic infrastructure he needs to open up. He is too interested in a one man show. If we engage, we can help each other,” he urged.

The MP further revealed Dr Adutwum on his own has never come to the Education committee to engage them on policies and their implementation.

To make matters worse, he indicated the Minister has not been able to honour all invitations from the committee, a situation he described as very worrying.

“We usually hear about policies and their implementation in the public domain. On all three occassions we have invited him before the committee, he hasn’t honoured us; he is either not in the jurisdiction or on an assignment,” he lamented.

Dr Apaak admonished he doesn’t expect anyone to consider his concerns as personal, adding himself and Dr Adutwum grew up at Jachie and have a similar background.