Dr. Onzy Nkrumah promises to reimpose CPP to its former glory


Dr. Onzy Nathan Kwame Nkrumah, the Vice Chairman of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) and son of the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has expressed his determination to revitalize and restore the party’s former glory if given the opportunity to lead in the upcoming 2024 general election.


Speaking at the party headquarters in Accra on Monday, Dr. Onzy Nkrumah assured CPP members that he would work towards making the party more vibrant and attractive.

He emphasized that the CPP has a track record of providing good leadership and development to the people of Ghana, and he is committed to continuing this legacy.

He called for unity in supporting the party’s bid for power, highlighting the visionary and development-oriented approach of his father, Dr. Nkrumah.

Responding to the call from both local and international supporters urging him to enter the political arena and alleviate the economic hardships faced by Ghanaians, Dr. Onzy Nkrumah urged his fellow countrymen to rally behind the CPP.

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In line with his father’s ideals, Dr. Onzy Nkrumah emphasized the importance of job creation and invited Ghanaians from the diaspora to return home and collaborate in providing opportunities for the youth.

Expressing his aspirations for the CPP, Dr. Onzy Kwame Nkrumah stated, “My goal is to lead the CPP to the Flagstaff House and to see more CPP Parliamentarians. The future of Ghana looks promising. My sole motivation is to witness the CPP’s return to power. The spirit of Nkrumah is one of selflessness and inclusivity.”

Drawing inspiration from his father’s collaborative approach to governance, Dr. Onzy Nkrumah affirmed his intention to unite with other parties to move Ghana forward and deliver the best possible service to all citizens.

He expressed optimism that CPP delegates would recognize the importance of restoring the party and vote overwhelmingly in his favor, thereby enabling the CPP to better serve the people of Ghana.