Drummer, Tommy Lee claims he drank two gallons of Vodka per day throughout 2019


Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee claims he was drinking two gallons of vodka every single day at one point last year, and ‘doing nothing, absolutely nothing’ after finishing up on his band’s last tour.

So, two gallons is an awful lot of vodka. You’d have to be doing very little else to be able to consume that amount.

However, that’s exactly what Lee says he was doing. Apparently, he’d wake up and skull a full glass of vodka, working his way through two huge gallon bottles – you know the ones they have behind a bar? – each day.

Speaking in an interview with Yahoo Entertainment, he explained: “It was crazy, I mean, I’ve been sober for four years, and I’ve been sort of on and off for a long time.

“I go through these phases where I just want to live a different life and f*** all the dumb s***. And then I decide, ‘You know what? I don’t want to live like that anymore. I want to have a lot of play and be f***ed up and stupid and all that s***.”

Tommy Lee at last year's premiere of 'The Dirt'. Credit: PA

“So, in this particular instance, I had been home… I had all this time at home, not touring, just being at home… I literally did nothing. I would just float around, drink, and just f***ing drink.”

He added: “I didn’t notice it until towards the end of it, when I was like, ‘Oh dude, I’ve got to stop. This is f***ing insane.’

“Like, I was drinking just out of boredom. I would just wake up and be just building [a glass with] just all vodka and just a little eyedropper of cranberry or lemonade. I was drinking two gallons – not pints, not quarts, but gallons, the big-handles – a day.

“That’s f***ing crazy. I just realised, ‘Whoa dude, you’re drinking enough to like, you could probably die.’ And it wasn’t even fazing me. I just became sort of immune to it.”

Since then, he’s sought professional help at the request of his wife Brittany Furlan. Now, after emerging from rehab, he’s about to celebrate a full year of sobriety.

Lee alongside his wife Brittany Furlan. Credit: PA

He continued: “She was like, ‘Baby, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen anybody drink that much. Like, you’re kind of scaring me. Like, are you going to wake up? Am I going to wake up to, like, you not breathing?'”

While he can’t be sure how long his sobriety will last, as he doesn’t know if it’s ‘a forever thing’ or not, he confirmed: “But for now, I’m not drinking vodka today,”

Sounds like a good idea. Lee has been fairly busy over the course of this wretched pandemic, and has completed work on a solo album called ANDRO, which is out on 16 October.