Edward Bawa says Power outages occurrence is as a result of energy sector being broke


Edward Bawa, MP for Bongo and member of the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament has linked Ghana’s recent power outages to the financial insolvency of the energy sector.

Despite Deputy Energy Minister Andrew Egyapa Mercer’s assurance that the power supply issues have been resolved and a $10 million disbursement to WAPCo for gas supply, intermittent blackouts persist.

This situation echoes the “Dumsor” crisis of 2015 and aligns with Nana Amoasi VII’s prediction of ongoing power challenges due to economic constraints.

Bawa’s comments highlight the government’s struggle to manage energy-related finances and maintain a stable power supply.

Mr Bawa said “As to whether what is the situation as we have it now, simple and short the sector is broke. That’s all. That’s the situation.

“As we speak now as of yesterday if you look at our peak demand it was 3680 but the available capacity, which means the amount of power that we could supply even if we decided that we were going to have a reserved margin or redundancy was going to be 3363 which means that on the word go even without putting the redundancy there, that was obviously around almost 300 megawatts.”