Emission Levies are for developed nations that have embraced electric cars not for us – Henry Nana Boakye


Henry Nana Boakye,National Organizer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP),has called on the Nana Akufo-Addo government to immediately withdraw the controversial Emissions Levy imposed on the citizens

Boakye alleged that the  emission levies are typically imposed on developed nations that have embraced electric cars to address climate change.

The National Organizer of the party believes the new levy, if implemented fully, will compound the already harsh economic conditions in the country, stressing that the timing is wrong.

Speaking in an interview he said “Yes, we understand the need for the government to raise revenue, but we also need to balance it with the sentiments of the people. I think this is not the right time. In as much, as a country, we want to stand by the government in times of this difficult era, when we want to raise revenue and make sure that the economy is back and in shape, some of these taxes for me are a bit problematic. That is why I’m saying that the government must withdraw this tax.”

 February 1, 2024,the Government introduced a new tax policy on carbon dioxide equivalent emissions on internal combustion engine vehicles which has caused more hardship for the masses.

Stakeholders, including the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), have kicked against the move by the government.