Expedite probe into attacks on party officials – NDC tells Police


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Upper East Region has raised concerns over recent attacks on executives of the party.

This follows the killing of the immediate past Vice Chairman of the Party in the region, Williams Akanyele by assailants.

The incident is said to have occurred on Wednesday, September 6.

Additionally, the party also recorded an attack on the Binduri constituency chairman, Martin Ariku by unknown persons some two weeks ago.

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The communications officer for the region, Jonathan Abdallah Salifu, urged the police to expedite investigations into these cases. 

“We are entreating the police to speed up investigations into some of these attacks, especially on our members because we don’t know whether they are politically inclined targets or it has anything to do with the ongoing conflict in Bawku.

“We cannot specifically tell what the reason is but we are equally asking the police to speed up investigations and then make sure that they get the public informed as to what they know about the cases because there is too much fear in the region.”