Five Iraqi hanged over terrorism charges


Five convicted terrorists where hanged by Iraqi authorities on Tuesday, 9th of February, 2021, after having been convicted, says local security officials. A source who was present during the action confirmed that all the victims were Iraqi nationals.

Another official, who is part of the team in charge of handing over bodies to their relatives further affirmed the details. All sources however, refused to reveal the details of their crimes.

After having defeated the Islamic State fighters in the U.S.-backed military campaign in 2014-2017, Iraq has successfully executed several suspected jihadists.

On Nov. 16, Iraq hanged 21 convicted terrorists and murderers, including people involved in two suicide attacks that killed dozens of people in a northern town.

Human rights groups have accused authorities in Baghdad and other Iraqi regions of inconsistencies in the judicial process and flawed trials leading to unfair convictions. Iraq says its trials are fair.

United States-led international coalition troops withdrew from Iraq’s Taji military base in August of 2020, and handed it over to Iraqi security forces.

The withdrawal came days after U.S. President Donald Trump redoubled his promise to withdraw the few U.S. troops still in the country. The United States has had about 5,000 troops stationed in the country and coalition allies a further 2,500.

Iraq’s parliament had voted for the departure of foreign troops from Iraq and U.S. and other coalition troops had left as part of a drawdown.

The vote came after a U.S. air strike on Baghdad airport killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.