Founder of AUCC, Kojo Acquah Yankah says National dialogue needed to reform Ghana’s colonial educational system


A statesman and the founder of the African University College of Communications (AUCC), Kojo Acquah Yankah, is calling for a national dialogue to propose reforms in Ghana’s education system.

Mr. Yankah contends that the current educational system is obsolete, colonial, and not suitable for driving the much-desired development needed in Ghana.

Presenting a paper on October 26 at the 8th R.T. Orleans-Pobee Memorial Lectures on the theme “Is Today’s Education Relevant? A new look at Adisadel,” the scholar said Ghana needs to reform its educational system because the purpose of the current one left by the British is “largely the remolding of the African child.”

Mr. Yankah referenced the works of scholars, including that of Mark Malisa on education and servitude.

“The curriculum, often imported from either Britain or North America, was intentionally designed to produce Africans who would have an inferiority complex when it came to their interaction with Europeans. In addition, such educated Africans were to be content working for Europeans, and when placed in positions of authority, would ensure that other Africans continued to serve the interests of the colonizer.”

“The colonizer’s educational goal was to expose Africans to a superior culture. Colonizers thought education would bring Africans into the modern world and elevate them to a higher level of civilization.”

He further bemoaned what he refers to as an abandonment of Ghanaian culture and values.

“We are not proud of our rich indigenous cultures and values (religion, language, dress codes). Until recently, we used to pour libations at national events; now, even in some of our homes and traditional palaces, we have abandoned or banned our ancestors whom God gave us to give birth to us and sustain us throughout our lives until they passed on.”