Fourteen markets have been fumigated in Western Region


The Ellembelle District Assembly in the Western Region as part of measures to curb the spread of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic has successfully disinfected fourteen market centres and other vital areas.

The exercise which forms part of government’s efforts to get rid of COVID-19 was carried out by Ellembelle District Coronavirus Committee under the supervision of the Western Regional Coordinating Council (WRCC).

Some of the markets which were fumigated included; Aiyinasi market, Asasetre market, Esiama market, Teleku-Bokazo market, Nkroful market, Asanta market, Awiebo market, Aiyinasi Marine Police Headquarters, Esiama Divisional Police station, lorry stations

In all, 76 youth were engaged to spray all the markets and other places with the support of the Ellembelle District Police Command and some military men from Apremdo 2BN.

Mr. Kwasi Bonzoh, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area who spoke to GhanaWeb’s Western Regional Correspondent Daniel Kaku, commended the youth who dedicated their time to spray the selected areas

He also hailed the staff of the Assembly for participating in the disinfection exercise.

“This is not going to be a nine-day wonder, the Assembly will continue to do this disinfection regularly, we will also disinfect toilet places”, he promised.

He urged the market women to continue adhering to safety measures.

“The best way we can protect ourselves against this disease is to stay at home, if you stay at home you will not contract the disease, so if you don’t have anything important to do outside, stay at home, so we are asking Ghanaians to stay at home so they can stay safe from the COVID-19 disease”, he emphasized.

He also took the opportunity to donate PPEs to Ellembelle District Health Directorate including 100 Veronica buckets to some communities.

On her part, the Deputy Western Regional Minister who supervised the exercise on behalf of the Coordinating Council, Mrs. Eugenia Gifty Kusi commended the Ellembelle District for the successful exercise.

“I have toured all the disinfecting places and I have to commend the Ellembelle District Assembly for the great work done, I am so happy, they have done well, I will also thank the sprayers for dedicating their time to spray the market places and other places”, she noted.

Ghana has so far recorded 378 confirmed cases with 6 deaths.