Ghana armed forces issue stern warning over viral videos inciting violence


The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has issued a stern warning about the dangers of confrontations with soldiers, in response to viral videos on social media advocating for violence against military personnel.

The GAF statement emphasized that such calls are unlawful and pose a significant threat to national security and stability.

The statement clarified that soldiers have the right to self-defense when faced with imminent threats, and may use proportionate force to protect themselves and others.

However, the outcome of such confrontations can be dire.

The GAF cautioned the public that assaulting soldiers is a grave offense punishable by law, and urged citizens to respect and cooperate with military personnel.

The force reiterated its commitment to upholding professionalism, integrity, and service to the nation.

The statement follows a viral video showing a political candidate, Ernest-Frimpong, encouraging small-scale miners to resist soldiers who attempt to halt their activities.

Frimpong later denied inciting violence, claiming the video was doctored.

The incident highlights the ongoing challenges of illegal mining in Ghana, which has resulted in environmental degradation and destruction of water bodies.

The GAF’s warning serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the rule of law and avoiding confrontations with security personnel.