Ghanaian rapper calls out Sam George for campaign against LGBTQ


Wanlov Da Kubolor a Ghanaian rapper and a staunch support of LGBTQ has alleged that politician, Sam George and legal practitioner, Moses Foh Amoaning’s anti-LGBTQ campaign is being funded by international organizations.

When asked to provide proof for his claim, Wanlov revealed that Sam George had attended an anti-LGBTQ conference abroad that seeks to fight same-sex activities worldwide adding Sam George had already spoken about it.

Sam George, who is a member of parliament for Ningo Prampram Constituency has been trumpeting the disapproval of same-sex activities and pushing for the anti-LGBTQ bill in Ghana for some years now after same-sex legalization talks emerged in parliament.

Ghana’s Parliament has unanimously adopted the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2022

The object of the Bill is to provide for proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian Family Values proscribe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and related activities.

The bi-partisan Private Members ‘Bill was introduced by eight Members of Parliament led by Mr Samuel Nartey George, National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP for Ningo-Prampram.

However, Sam George is yet to confirm this wild allegation made by the controversial rapper who is a staunch supporter and sympathizer of the LGBTQ community.