GNAT urged to address concerns of teachers


A Former Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in the Shama District, Mr Isaac Bimpeh has reminded the teacher union to design realistic strategies to address needs and expectations of its members.

He has therefore charged the mother teacher Union to participate in national policy framework in a bid to factor in concerns of its members for redress.

Mr Bimpeh was speaking at the 6th Quadrennial Metro Delegates’ Conference of the Ghana National Association of Teachers in the Shama District at Fijai near Takoradi in the Western Region.

The theme for the celebration was, GNAT @ 90, surviving As A Reliable and Vibrant Teacher Union In The 21st Century: The Role Of The Member”.

Mr Bimpeh urged the GNAT executives ” to be always guided by the spirit of oneness which United members in the formative years of the Association by making the voice of teachers heard collectively”.

He appealed to the executives of the GNAT to foster closer collaboration with the government without necessarily compromising its neutrality in politics and social dialogue.

[GNAT asked to review teachers fund for better retirement package]

He charged the teacher union to vary its aims and objectives to suit modern trends by taking advantage of information technology to advance the teaching profession in the Ghana Education Service (GES).

Mr Bimpeh advised the association to have a look at its organizational structure and organic solidarity and make itself more visible in the society.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) at the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly, Mr. Abdul-Mumin Issah said for GNAT to remain a political, economic and social force in Ghana, much depends on the role of members and affiliation to international bodies.

He said in an era of union pluralism, economic and social challenges and the insurgence of a global pandemic such as COVID-19, a lot would be required to remain reliable and vibrant.

Mr Issah said “surviving as a reliable and vibrant teacher Union, will not come from anywhere but from the membership of GNAT through packages and programme organized for them.

The MCE urged leadership of GNAT to focus more on its members at the grass root because they form the base of the union.

Earlier in a welcome address, the Chairman of the GNAT in the Shama Ahanta Metropolis, Mr.Isaac Kojo Quandoh said GNAT would continue to maintain the desired professional standards for effective teaching and learning in the country.

He stressed the need for effective teamwork to strategize and promote a common front as a union.