GPL: Games behind closed-doors only way to secure lives – Sports Ministry


The Communications Consultant for Ghana’s Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ahmed Osumanu Halid, says the directive from the Sports Ministry to have games played behind closed doors due to the spike in coronavirus cases is to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.

The Sports Ministry issued a directive for all Ghana Premier League games to be held behind closed doors just a day to the start of the new season which angered a lot of club administrators due to the last-minute decision.

Clubs were expecting to admit 25 per cent of supporters at their various venues for their home games per the directive from President Nana Akufo-Addo on football restart.

According to Halid, the decision taken by the Ministry is to protect the lives of the citizens and there were consultations made with the various stakeholders before the decision was taken.

He stated that the condemnation by the club administrators on the directive from the Sports Ministry is unfortunate as lives do matter.

“It is very unfortunate and saddened by the attitude of some football managers on the matter, i.e playing of matches and other sporting behind closed doors. The Minister of Youth and Sports Isaac Kwame Asiamah believes in consultation and teamwork. On this particular matter, the FA was informed before the statement was issued”, he said in an interview.

“The Sports Minister has consistently consulted with the Ghana Football Association on all matters concerning football and will continue with that style of leadership.

“We are concerned about the lives of our citizens and every decision that will ensure the protection of our people, would be considered.

“The Ghana Health Service is saying the rising cases are not only caused by political activities only but other factors included.

“When people go to the stadia to watch football games, they walk in groups, and we don’t want that to happen and spread the covid-19.

“Remember what the President said ‘we have what it takes to bring the economy back but we don’t have what it takes to bring lives back. ‘

“The name of the Ministry is Ministry of Youth and Sports, we are in charge of all football and sporting activities in Ghana we do not have power over the political parties’ rallies and other activities”, he added.