Health Directors at Krobo appeal to ECG to restore power to save lives


Two health directors for Lower and Yilo Krobo municipalities in the Eastern Region in a joint statement have appealed to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to restore power supply to the two health facilities in the area to help save lives.

The two municipalities have been cut off from the national grid by ECG over an impasse on the installation of pre-paid metres to all properties in the two areas.

The two heads namely; Mrs. Irina Ofei, Municipal Health Director for Yilo Krobo, and Mr. Bismark Sarkodie, Municipal Health Director for Lower Manya Krobo in a statement dated August 1, 2022, said in the Yilo Krobo Municipal Directorate, for example, the power outage has caused the relocation of municipal Cold Chain Equipment, which includes vaccine fridges and freezers for ice packs.

At Lower Krobo, “the power outage has affected all aspects of clinical and public health care in the facility. The most affected areas are maternity units, laboratory services, in-patients, vaccine fridges, and administration.”

Below are details of the statement:

Source: classfmonline