Hohoe and Kpando records over 90 per cent special voting turn-out


A total of 405 out of 446 total voters on Tuesday cast their ballots in the special voting exercise in the Hohoe Constituency.

The number, representing 91 percent, voted at the end of polls at 1700 hours.
Mr Enoch Danso Agyekum, Hohoe Municipal Electoral Officer told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the process was successful.

The number comprised 278 males representing 69 per cent and 127 females representing 31 per cent.

[NPP’s China branch donate items worth $10,000 to Hohoe constituency]
There was one spoilt presidential ballot.
The Party Agents in the presence of the security used their seals on the ballot boxes after polls.

Kpando Municipality records 90 percent turnout

The Kpando Municipality recorded 90 percent voter turnout during the special voting exercise held by the Electoral Commission.

A total of 179 out of the 199 registered personnel for the exercise turned out to exercise their franchise.

The special election, which was set aside by the EC for individuals who would be assigned special duties on December 7th, recorded 139 men and 40 women availing themselves to vote.

The EC recorded one spoilt ballot.

[Kpando EC office confirms arrival of materials for 2020 elections]

Mr. Emmanuel Attipoe, Presiding Officer said he was impressed with the turnout and professionalism displayed by the men and women who voted.

He said the ballot boxes were being kept at the Municipal Police Station and would be adee4d to the December 7 ballots for counting after voting had ended.

The ballot boxes were sent to the Police Station in the company of a Police Officer, officials of the EC as well as party agents.

Source: GNA