How To Make Bofrot

Bofrot can be taken to school as a snack or served as a pre dinner bread.
Recipe Type: Snack
Cuisine: African
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
  • 1 cup flour ( a light flour)
  • 1 cup water
  • 3 tablespoon sugar( more if you prefer sweeter)
  • Vegetable oil ( you need enough to cover your bofrot)
  • 1 nutmeg, grated
  • 3 teaspoon milk (optional)
How To Prepare
  1. grate your nutmeg into the flour
  2. pour vegetable oil into a sauce pan and start your fire at medium, heat until oil gets really hot
  3. add the sugar to the water and stir with a laddle till it all dissolves
  4. pour the flour into the water, followed by adding the milk
  5. mix everything together until you have a nice fluid paste
  6. when your oil is really hot, use a deep laddle or ice cream scoop to scoop flour paste about the size of a child’s fist(bofrot is bigger than regular round doughnuts)
  7. drop each scoop into the hot oil until your oil is full of floating balls
  8. Stay well away but gently turn each ball with a fork or wooden laddle as it starts beowning
  9. let it start browning before turning around from side to side
  10. when your ball floats have been in the hot oil for about 5 minutes, you can stick a sharp knife or fork into it. When you pull it out and you do not have sticky gooey flour then the inside would be thoroughly cooked.
  11. take out cooked ball floats from the oil and place on a strainer to drain excess oil and serve
