I have never been given a preferential treatment in NDC despite been a daughter of the founder


The first daughter of former President Jerry John Rawlings, claims she has never been opportune to enjoy preferential treatment in the party even though her father is the founder of NDC

According to the Member of Parliament for Korle Klottey Constituency, Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings who stated she has received the worst forms of abuse and treatment within the National Democratic Congress (NDC) despite her background while speaking to a local news media.

“I am having executives who decided that because they don’t like me, they will work against me and all that.

So I am only saying this to let you see that the fact that we’ve been able to emerge and we are still working, does not mean that we have not been through tough times. “But the thing is, I believe that when your heart is clean and your intentions are good and people see that you mean well, those who matter will work with you and support you because they understand that the work you are doing is to support the community and ultimately, I think that is what came through, “But it’s not been an easy journey.

But at the end of the day, you have to understand that yes, my father is the founder of the NDC; it did not stop people from doing what they did. “I was not given preferential treatment in terms of whether my seat was protected or not.

I was not given any special dispensation; I was not exempted from election or anything,” she stated on Asempa FM’s Ekosiisen programme.Zanetor who was answering a question on whether she has had the benefit of preferential treatment as a result of her gender and history underscored some of her bitter experiences in politics. “I have been through it all and worse.

Let me give you a very interesting example, one of these days just drive through my constituency and you will see some people who even contested for election 8 years ago still have their posters she said.