I have no obligation to apologize to the GRA


 The Member of Parliament for the North Tongu constituency,Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa  has refused to apologize to the Commissioner-General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Rev. Dr. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah. Ablakwa had accused Owusu-Amoah of leaving the country with his family while a supervised contract was under investigation.

Ablakwa taking to social media, alleged that President Akufo-Addo had facilitated the departure of the GRA boss, despite the ongoing audit of the GRA and Strategic Mobilization Limited (SML) revenue assurance contract.

He said,he demands an explanation from the president regarding the absence of the GRA Commissioner-General.

Meanwhile, a statement has been issued by the GRA debunking the claims as false, stating that their boss had not absconded but was on approved leave. According to the GRA, Dr. Owusu-Amoah’s leave had been authorized almost a month prior, and he was scheduled to return to the office on January 15.

The GRA characterized Ablakwa’s comment as a distortion of the truth and malicious, and demanded an apology from him.

In response, Ablakwa maintained that he had no obligation to apologize to the GRA. He argued that their response failed to discredit the findings of his unquestionable parliamentary oversight.

“I want to assure the GRA that I will not be offering them an apology, as their response woefully fails to undermine the conclusions of my indisputable parliamentary oversight,” Ablakwa.