I will emerge victorious in the 2024 elections and there will be no need for the courts


John Dramani Mahama, Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC),revealed that he is optimistic he will emerged victorious in the forth coming general elections. He declared his unwavering confidence in winning the  December elections,as there will be no need to contest the results in the Supreme Court.

He emphasized the importance of vigilance and collective effort within the party to secure victory during the election process

Mahama also addressed party supporters during his “Building the Ghana We Want Tour” in Dzodze, Volta Region, outlining his vision for a free and fair election process.

The Presidential aspirant admonished the party to be vigilant during the electoral process in December and work to achieve victory together.

“I’m not going to the Supreme Court because I know I’m not going to lose, maybe that person will be going to the Supreme Court. The election is going to be decided at the polling station and the coalition centre and that’s where the NDC is going to be.

He also said the upcoming election will be the best in the history of Ghana.

“We won’t go to the Supreme Court again because we know we won’t get justice. We are going to police this election and it is going to be the best policed election in the history of Ghana and we are going to follow the results every step of the way until the final result is declared”.