I would have killed NDC thugs in 2012 if I had a gun – Ursula fumes


The Communications Minister, Ursula Owusu has said that she would have shot some National Democratic Congress (NDC) sponsored thugs who attacked her in Odododiodio in 2012.

This comment comes on the back of the Special Development Initiative Minister’s admission of firing warning shots at one of the registration centres at Awutu Senya East and subsequent calls for her dismissal.

According to the Communications Minister, she sees nothing wrong with Mavis Hawa Koomson’s action of firing warning shots when she felt scared because If she [Ursula Owusu] had the opportunity in 2012, she will not have spared the thugs that attacked her.

She said “I stand with Hawa Koomson. If I had a gun on me in April 2012 when NDC sponsored thugs attacked me in Odododiodio, I would have shot them to protect myself. I didn’t and the rest is history. She had the right to protect herself if she felt threatened”.

READ ALSO: Hawa Koomson turns over gun, ammunition, license to police following interrogation

The Lawmaker according to reports has honoured the invitation of the Ghana Police Service and has had her gun retrieved and her docket forwarded to the National Headquarters of the CID.

Meanwhile, some Civil Society Organizations and other Institutions have called on the President to sack her from her Ministerial position because her action dents his presidency.

Source: My News GH