If alcohol is bad, ban it – Rex Omar


Highlife artiste Rex Omar has spoken out against the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the FDA’s ban on celebrities endorsing alcohol ads.

In an interview on 3FM, Rex Omar expressed his disagreement with the ruling, questioning why alcohol sales are allowed while celebrity endorsements are not.

“I think it’s wrong. I’m not a lawyer and as for Supreme Court rulings, I will not challenge them, but I completely disagree with them.

“Are we saying alcohol is bad? If alcohol is bad, ban it,” he said.

Rex Omar also compared alcohol ads to drug ads, asking if actors in drug commercials are held responsible when people abuse drugs.

He wondered why celebrities endorsing alcohol are being singled out when the products themselves are legal.

Rex Omar compared alcohol ads to drug ads, asking if advertisers are responsible when drug abuse occurs.

He questioned, ‘If celebrities promoting alcohol are a bad influence, what about drug ads? Do we blame the advertisers when someone misuses drugs?

He’s highlighting the seeming double standard in holding celebrities accountable for alcohol promotion but not drug promotion.

Rex Omar proposed a solution where celebrities can endorse alcohol, but with a responsible message:

‘Enjoy responsibly, not for minors.’

This way, celebrities can promote alcohol while also discouraging underage drinking.