If you vote for Bamumia it means you do not have the country at heart


Convener of AriseGhana and Veteran highlife singer, Rex Omar has stated that Ghanaians who will vote for Vice President  Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia do not have the country at heart.

He made the controversial statements during an interview on Cape Coast-based Property FM that voting for Bawumia means voters do not love themselves and their families.

“Bawumia has failed woefully” The staunch supporter of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has stated.

“Someone that has governed this country with Akufo-Addo for over 7 to 8 years ago and all the things he said he couldn’t achieve any of them.

“Bawumia is now saying that we should vote for him to become the president of this country because he has got his own ideas,” he told the host.

 “If you vote for such a person then it means you don’t have good intentions for this country and it shows you don’t love yourself and your family” he fumed.