‘Immediately cease operations, withdraw troops’ from Ukraine – Ghana to Russia


Ghana has asked the Russian Federation to halt its military operation in the neighboring Ukraine.

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) Security Council meeting yesterday September 22, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, bemoaned the atrocities the ongoing war between the two countries has left in its wake.

Shirley Ayorkor Botchway

She called on the Security Council to take urgent steps to prevent its own ‘near paralysis’ and end the war in Ukraine.

Ayorkor Botchway emphasized Ghana’s commitment to ensure that perpetrators of the heinous crimes in the war were brought to book.

“With the rising death toll, civilian casualties and growing reports of war crimes and other human rights violations, we must uphold our responsibilities as a Council and send a clear message that perpetrators of atrocities would be held to account,” she said.

The minister further admonished Russia to withdraw it troops from Ukraine in respect of the sovereignty and independence of the country which once formed part of the Soviet Union.

“We reiterate the call on the Russian Federation to immediately and unconditionally cease its operations, withdraw its troops from the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and respect it neighbours sovereignty and political independence,” she reiterated.

Russia invaded Ukraine in February this year after the latter had shown signs of joining the European security bloc, Nato. The war has been condemned by a majority of world leaders.

The government of Ghana has also been partly blaming the ongoing war for it economic challenges.

Speaking on Wednesday, September 21, 2022; at the UN General Assembly Meeting, President Akufo-Addo indicated that the ‘bombs and bullets’ being launched at Ukraine was hitting the pocket of African countries.

“As we grappled with these economic challenges, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine burst upon us, aggravating an already difficult situation.

“It is not just the dismay that we feel at seeing such deliberate devastation of cities and towns in Europe in the year 2022, we are feeling this war directly in our lives in Africa.

“Every bullet, every bomb, every shell that hits a target in Ukraine, hits our pockets and our economies in Africa. The economic turmoil is global with inflation as the number one enemy this year,” he added.