INDIA: Bus crushes 6 migrants to death


Six migrant workers have died after a bus ran them over in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, police told local media.

The workers were walking from Punjab state to their home in Bihar state when the incident occurred on Wednesday night.

Their journey would have been around 1,000km, or 621 miles.

Millions in India were left stranded when the lockdown was announced in March. With industries shut, and bus and train services halted overnight, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers feared they would starve and attempted to walk back home.

Earlier this month, the government announced special trains for migrant workers, but reports of labourers walking home continue to emerge.

The news comes just as another similar incident took place in Madhya Pradesh state on Wednesday night, when a truck collision killed at least eight labourers, ANI news agency reported.

And just last week, officials ordered an investigation after 16 migrant workers were run over by a freight train in Maharashtra state.