Inter Allies share spoils with Legon Cities in regional derby


Inter Allies were held at home at the Accra Sports Stadium, drawing 1-1 with Legon Cities on a calm Saturday afternoon.

Both sides coma into the game with wins from their week 8 encounters and showed quality display.

Victorien Adebayor opened the scoring after a quarter of an half gone via the spot kick, Desmond Abuga was brought down in the box.

However the visitors on the day, Legon. Cities fought back and got their equalizer with 20 minutes left on the clock.

Jabila Abdul Karim also converted from the spot to draw level for the visitors after pushing so hard for the equalizer.

Both side kept pushing but failed to add to the tally to end the match day 9 match stalemate.
Cities captain, Jeffrey Degorl was named the NASCO man of the match.

Source: Ghanafa